Digital Advertising and Marketing Solutions

Why Traditional Advertising Doesn't Work anymore?

Written by KYLE KONET | Apr 18, 2016

is Traditional Marketing Dead? 

Many people in traditional marketing organizations do not realize that it is a dead paradigm. We are in the internet age where everything has changed; you can order food online, read your news on the web, and shop for basically anything. Marketing has had to change along with everything else. 

Inbound Marketing is the new way to get your product or service known. Technology has changed the way consumers make purchases and interact with brands. Inbound Marketing allows you to target potential customers and market directly to them with relevant content they are already searching for. If you want your company to be successful, you will need to move away from traditional marketing and tackle the world of Inbound Marketing

Here Are Some Reasons Why Traditional Marketing No Longer Works:

Traditional Campaigns Are Temporary

The technology that exists today, content is not longer temporary, it lasts forever. In the past, ads would only last as long as you paid for them to be aired on TV or printed in the newspaper but the use of the internet and technology has made marketing content last forever.

Whatever is posted now, is viewable and searchable. This is one reason it is so important to use consistency with today's marketing. You need to commit your brand, message and voice to make sure your consumers know your brand and have a similar experience no matter when your company's content was published. 

Consumers Have Multiple Resources

Traditional advertisers used to be the experts when it came to their companies brand. That is far from the case now. Consumers want to be able to look up your brand's information, social media pages, consumer reviews, and all types of content with a simple Google search.

People want to know what other people thought of your product or service. So you should encourage your consumers to talk about your brand and share their experience on various social media platforms on how much they loved what you had to provide. 

Traditional Marketing Is Broad 

With traditional marketing, you use a print ad or TV commercial, and it can be viewed by many people, but the question is whether or not it is the right group of people.

With Inbound Marketing, you can advertise to the exact audience you want. Whether it is with a Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Emails, or Landing Pages you can use these tools to draw your target audience to your website. 

Traditional Marketing Is Not About The Consumer

Before the age of technology, traditional markers could produce any content and shove it in front of the consumers. In today's world, consumers know exactly how to avoid that messaging. People have DVR, caller IDs, and spam blockers.

It is now up to the marketers to earn the trust of the consumer. Your focus should be on the consumer and potential client. You will need to know their interests and what inspires them to make a purchasing decision. After you have gained their trust and they are ready to know more about your company, then you can begin to talk about your product or service. 

Even though traditional marketing is dead, there are other effective ways to market your brand, obtain attention, and gain trust from your target audience. The age of Digital Marketing is upon us, and the question you should be asking yourself is why you haven't already switched to Inbound Marketing

If you need help changing from traditional marketing to inbound marketing, Donovan Digital Solutions can bring your entire marketing funnel together.

Our Inbound Marketing covers the following:

  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • CMS
  • Lead Management
  • Landing Pages
  • Marketing Automation
  • Email
  • Analytics
  • Calls-To-Action
  • CRM Sync

We control your content, channels and marketing performance. We use a personalized marketing experience that goes beyond industry standards. A marketing strategy only works if the agency intimately knows a companies business plan, ideal customer, how it uniquely serves its customers, and its intended growth goals for the future.

When the agency knows this, it can adapt its Inbound Marketing Strategy to drive the right customers at the right time, so the company can delight its customers so they remain with them for years to come. Learn more about Inbound Marketing here or click the link below for a Free Inbound Marketing Consultation.