Part 2: How to convert visitors into leads ?

At this stage, you've attracted the right traffic to your site, targeted your ideal persona, and created remarkable content. Its time to convert your website visitors onto leads, but what defines a lead? " A Lead is simply a person who has expressed interest in your company's product, information or service."

How does a visitor become a lead?

A visitor becomes a lead by collecting basic information:

  • name
  • email
  • company
  • industry
  • phone number

Contact information is the most valuable currency to marketers and business owners alike. We can use it to deliver more targeted information to your potential customer. 

Convert Stage Inbound MarketingReasons why most companies fail to convert leads:

The correct content isn't provided in order to guide the lead into conversion. 

Too much valuable content is freely given. If you give away too much information, your lead will quickly get what they want and click away from your site. 

Another common mistake during the conversion process is asking for too much information. Just be sure the information you are requesting from your persona reflects the length of your offer and is valuable for you to help segment your audience.

In order to gather this information willingly, its important to offer something in return such as:

  1. E-Book
  2. Industry Specific Whitepapers
  3. Webinars
  4. Videos
  5. Tip sheets or more

These free offers are called ethical bribes, you are giving away quality content for information. Simple as that!

How to choose the right piece of content when you are targeting your audience?How to convert visitors using inbound marketing?

Once again lets take a look at the buyers journey:

  • Awareness stage-Your buyer has expressed symptoms of a problem or opportunity. Some examples of the content type to choose from might include, white papers, research reports, eBooks, or educational content.
  • Consideration stage-Your buyer has defined the problem or opportunity; it may be wise to choose a webcast/podcast/video, expert guides, or live interactions.
  • Decision stage-Your buyer has defined the solution or approach, during this stage you may want to present a case study, trial download, or product comparisons.

Keep in mind, the majorityof the population leads a busy lifestyle. Overwhelming them with a mountain of information can be discouraging, your persona will appreciate keeping your content simple and direct.


How we help you convert visitors into leads

Below are some of the tactics we use on your website to help funnel the visitor into the right spot so they can be converted into a lead 

  1. Forms- This is where the transformation takes place. Visitors are not considered leads until they submit their information to a form. We help optimize your forms to carry the lead further down the marketing funnel.
  2. Calls-to-Action- A CTA is a button that promotes an offer. When creating a CTA, we teach you how to use action-oriented words, instructing your visitor on what to do next, and doesn't leave them wondering. Words like "download", "act", "", and "attend" are excellent examples.
  3. Landing Pages- A landing page is a website page that allows you to gain a users information through a form. Your landing page should describe the offer, how it is beneficial to your contact, and should include a relevant image.

At Donovan Digital Solutions we offer inbound marketing solutions to better convert customers to leads. Let us oversee your websites content by providing empowering information to narrow in on your ideal consumer. Consistently updating content on your sites will increase traffic and deliver profitable visitors interested in your services. Fill out the Form Below for your Free Inbound Marketing Consultation.